Frequently Asked Questions

Why LightBeam Academy?

The Academy offers students an opportunity to learn in a creative, welcoming and friendly environment. Each student follows a curriculum giving them and parents a real understanding of their progress. Our teachers are fully qualified with Arabic being taught by a native Arabic speaker. Modern teachings methods are used including the use of latest educational technology and learning is not just confined to the classroom with children taking part in activities and trips to put into practice what they learn.

What is the typical class size in the Academy?

All our classes have a maximum of 12 children per class ensuring each child receives the support s/he needs to progress.

Do students wear a uniform?

Yes, girls are expected to wear plain white/black Abayas with navy blue hijabs and boys wear white jubbas or shalwar kameez with navy blue hats.

What are the Entry Requirements?

The Academy accepts children aged 5 and above.

What are the Academy class timings?

Classes will take place three times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:45-6:45pm.

How are the classes scheduled?

LB Academy students attend three classes each day: Islamic Studies, Qur’anic Recitation and Arabic. Each class or module will last for 35 minutes giving the children a broad and varied education. Each class is taught by a qualified teacher.

What subjects are taught?

Qur’anic Recitation – letter recognition, Arabic Alphabet, Qur’anic fluency, memorization
Islamic Studies – including sirah, fiqh, aqidah, daily duas, adab, environmental studies, animal care, earth care, people care.
Arabic Language – everyday phrases, key words, conversational Arabic.

What is the Cost?

A registration fee of £50 is charged which includes the full year’s workbooks and activity books.
Academy fees are £30 per month per child.